Tony Moss Wildlife Photography

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European Badger, New Forest

An adult boar badger sets off to forage in the surrounding New Forest woodland 

European Badger, New Forest

New Forest Badger foraging in bracken

European Badger, New Forest

An adult badger emerges at sunset in the New Forest

Great-crested Grebe

A Great-crested Grebe on a mist shrouded lake at sunrise

Great-crested Grebe

Great-crested Grebe

Common Buzzard

Common Buzzard in a New Forest wood

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl in the rain

(Northern) Goshawk

A male Goshawk on a woodpigeon in a New Forest woodland clearing.

Bearded Tit

A male Bearded Tit or Reedling feeding on phragmites seed heads

European Wolf

An adult wolf making it’s way across open marsh as the autumn sun begins to set in north-east Finland