Tony Moss Wildlife Photography

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Sanderling in Winter plumage 

Ural Owl, Finland

A dozing Ural Owl in eastern Finland. Natural tree cavities where large broken branches have fallen off are common locations for nesting or roosting.

Eurasian Otter

Female Otter making her way upstream in a Dorset river swollen by recent heavy rain

Forest Reindeer

The forest Reindeer is a rare sub-species of the reindeer and can only be found in the boreal forests of eastern Finland and south-west Russia. 

Northern Gannet

Northern Gannet, RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Red Deer, New Forest

Red Deer, New Forest

Crested Tit

Crested Tit on a White birch, eastern Finland

Red Squirrel, Finland

Red Squirrel acquiring its winter coat.

Tengmalm’s Owl

A Tengmalm’s owl peering from a nest box in the boreal forest of eastern Finland.

Research has indicated that the predation of nesting Tengmalm’s owl by both Pine Martens and Ural owls is less common in man-made boxes when compared to natural nest cavities in old trees.

Great Tit

Great Tit in boreal Finland