Tony Moss Wildlife Photography

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Brown Bear at Twilight

Brown Bear photographed during the twilight hour on a snow covered bog in north-east Finland

Black Grouse

Black grouse sparring on a snow covered lek in north-east Finland

Eurasian Brown Bear

Brown bear in the Finnish taiga.

Eurasian Brown Bear

A large male Brown bear emerging from the taiga forest of north-east Finland not long after emerging from winter hibernation.

Black Grouse

Male Black grouse sparring at an established lekking ground at first light in eastern Finland in late April

Eurasian Brown Bear

A portrait of a large male brown bear photographed after sunset in late April in eastern-Finland

Eurasian Brown Bear

A young brown bear photographed after sunset in late April in eastern-Finland

Western Capercaille

Western Capercaille lekking in early Spring in eastern-Finland an hour before sunrise

Western Capercaille

A male Capercaille lekking in the boreal forest of eastern Finland in early May

Eurasian Brown Bear

A male Brown bear photographed before sunrise on a misty morning in early May in the Finnish taiga not long after emerging from winter hibernation