Tony Moss Wildlife Photography

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Bearded Reedling

A bearded reedling feeding on phragmites seed heads in mid-winter

Common Buzzard

A juvenile Common Buzzard on the edge of New Forest woodland

Eurasian Nuthatch

A Eurasian Nuthatch in the New Forest in winter

Common Buzzard

A juvenile Common Buzzard on the edge of New Forest woodland

Short-eared Owl at Dusk

A short-eared owl hunting at dusk on a winters afternoon

Short-eared Owl

A short-eared owl hunting at sunset on a winters afternoon

Short-eared Owl at Sunset

A short-eared owl hunting after sunset on a winters afternoon

Short-eared Owl

A short-eared owl hunting at dusk on a winters afternoon

Short-eared Owl

A short-eared owl hunting at dusk on a winters afternoon

Short-eared Owl

A short-eared owl hunting at dusk on a winters afternoon