Tony Moss Wildlife Photography

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Polar Bear on pack-ice

Polar bear checking the wind on the pack-ice at 80 degrees north

Polar Bear

Polar bear hunting on the pack-ice at 80 degrees north

Northern Fulmar

Northern Fulmar, Svalbard

Polar Bear

Polar bear 80 degrees north in the high arctic

Polar Bears

Polar bears on the pack-ice above Svalbard 80 degrees north

Svalbard Reindeer at Alkhornet

Svalbard Reindeer at Alkhornet on the south-west coast of Spitsbergen.

The Svalbard reindeer is a smaller sub-species of reindeer only found on the Svalbard archipelago

Polar Bear north of Svalbard

Polar bear hunting on pack-ice north of Svalbard

Glacial iceberg in Hornsund, south-west Svalbard

Glacial iceberg in Hornsund, south-west Svalbard

Polar Bear north of Svalbard

A Polar Bear on pack-ice north of Svalbard

Atlantic Walrus

An inquisitive Atlantic walrus.  Although easily scared walrus are naturally inquisitive and will, given time come closer to investigate.