Tony Moss Wildlife Photography

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Fallow Buck

A Fallow buck crossing a New Forest heath not long after sunrise

New Forest Badger in woodland

New Forest Badger in woodland

European Badger

European Badger at dusk

Eurasian (Northern) Goshawk

Female Goshawk on a hen pheasant

Woodland Badger

An adult badger is alerted to the sound of another badger foraging in the surrounding bracken

Golden Light

An adult badger sets off to forage as the last sunlight filters through the surrounding trees

New Forest Badger at last light

New Forest Badger at last light

New Forest Badger

An adult Badger climbs over a fallen tree as the light fades in a New Forest wood.

Eurasian Sparrowhawk

A male Sparrowhawk in the New Forest

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle (f) photographed near Kuusamo in northern Finland